
Privacy Policy

Our Principles of Data Protection

Neurative AI is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors and customers and complying with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Looking after the personal information you share with us is very important, and we want you to be confident that your personal data is kept safely and securely and to understand how we use it to offer you the best user experience.

We have published this notice to help you understand

  • How and why Neurative AI collect information from you;
  • Who we share your information with, why and on what basis; and
  • What your rights are.

What Information We Collect and Why?

Information you provide to us directly.

When you interact with our website and utilize our services at Neurative AI, we may request that you provide us with personal data. This occurs, for instance, when you submit an inquiry, sign up for our applications, apply for a job by submitting your CV, request a quote, schedule an appointment, provide feedback, or send us a brief.

We respect your privacy, and when you are prompted to fill in a form—whether online or offline—you have the freedom to choose which fields to complete and what data to provide. However, it’s important to note that if you choose not to provide certain personal data, it may limit your ability to access specific parts of our website or use certain services.

Information we collect automatically.

At Neurative AI, we automatically gather certain information about you when you visit our websites or engage with our services. This includes details such as your IP address and device type. As you navigate through our website and digital applications, we also collect information about the pages you view and the links you interact with. This information is invaluable to us as it enhances our understanding of how you engage with our websites and services, enabling us to continually enhance your overall user experience.

To collect some of this information, we use cookies and similar tracking technologies. For further details, please refer to our cookie policy.

When you access our site, specific information about your device is automatically collected, along with details about the cookies installed on your device. Additionally, as you explore our website, we gather information about the individual web pages you visit. We commonly refer to this automatically-collected information as “Device Information.” Your privacy and the security of your data are of utmost importance to us at Neurative AI, and we encourage you to review our privacy policy for a comprehensive understanding of how we handle your information.

How do we gather your data?

“Cookies” refer to data files that are placed on your device or computer and typically contain an anonymous unique identifier. For comprehensive information about cookies and instructions on how to disable them, please visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org.

“Web beacons,” “tags,” and “pixels” are electronic files employed to capture details about your browsing activities on the site.

Furthermore, when you provide your email, make a purchase, or attempt to do so through the site, we collect specific information from you, including your name and email address. This information is utilized to generate registration details, which you will use to log in to the Neurative AI application. This set of data is termed “Order Information.”

When reference is made to “Personal Information” in this Privacy Policy, it encompasses both Device Information and Order Information.

Information we get from third parties.

The majority of information we collect; we collect directly from you. Sometimes we might collect personal data about you from other sources, such as publically available materials. We may use this information to supplement the personal data we already hold on you, in order to better inform, personalize and improve our services and to validate the personal information you provide.

Where we collect personal data, we’ll only process it:

  • To perform a contract with you, or
  • Where we have legitimate interests to process the personal data and they’re not overridden by your rights
  • In accordance with a legal obligation or
  • Where we have your consent

How do we use your information?

At Neurative AI, we are committed to ensuring the responsible and transparent use of your personal data. Our practices align with data protection regulations, and we only process your information when we have a legitimate reason to do so. The following are the lawful bases for processing your data:

  • Contract: We process your personal information to fulfil contractual arrangements, ensuring the delivery of the products and services you request.
  • Consent: With your explicit agreement, we use your information in ways specified by you.
  • Legitimate Interests: We prioritize the interests of Neurative AI in managing our business effectively, providing you with top-notch products and services in a secure and appropriate manner. This may involve transferring your data to select third parties to deliver the requested services.
  • Legal Obligation: We share information when required by statutory or legal obligations, such as law enforcement purposes.

In addition to adhering to these principles, we use the Order Information collected through our website to fulfil orders, including processing payment information, arranging delivery or shipping, and providing invoices and order confirmations. Moreover, we utilize this Order Information to:

  • Communicate with you in line with your preferences.
  • Provide information or advertising related to our products or services based on your preferences.
  • Share relevant offers from our partners (affiliates) periodically.

Furthermore, the information we collect about you on our site serves various purposes, including advertising, retargeting, tracking sales, and monitoring actions across the site. Our commitment is to ensure that your data is used judiciously to enhance your experience with Neurative AI.

Who do we share your information with and why?

At Neurative AI, we prioritize the security and confidentiality of your personal information. There are instances where we may need to share your data with third parties, and we want to be transparent about the circumstances and reasons for such sharing. We commit to sharing your personal data only with the following entities and under specific conditions:

  • Neurative AI Group of Companies: We may share your data with other companies within the Neurative AI Group where they hold a shareholder or stakeholder position and perform contractual obligations and services.
  • Third-Party Providers and Partners: To enhance our services and functionality, and to market services and products to you, we may disclose your personal data to third-party providers and partners who assist and enable us in these aspects.
  • Legal Compliance and Defense: We may share your information with regulators, law enforcement, government agencies, courts, or other third parties when necessary to comply with applicable laws or regulations, or to exercise, establish, or defend our legal rights.
  • Business Transactions: In the event of a purchase, merger, or acquisition of any part of our business, we may share your data with the actual or potential buyer and their advisers.
  • Consented Sharing: With your explicit consent, we may share your information with other individuals.
  • Payment Processors: Your data may be shared with payment processors to facilitate secure transactions.
  • GDPR-Compliant Subprocessors: We engage GDPR-compliant subprocessors to ensure the secure processing of your data.
  • Debt Recovery, Credit Checking Services, and Fraud Prevention Services: In certain situations, we may share your information with entities providing debt recovery, credit checking, and fraud prevention services.

It’s important to note that we do not share your personal information, such as email and phone number, with anybody. Additionally, our website employs tracking pixels from Google and Facebook for analytical purposes through Google Analytics. You can learn more about how Google handles your Personal Information here (https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/), and if you wish to opt-out of Google Analytics, you can do so here (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout). We are committed to safeguarding your privacy and ensuring transparency in our data-sharing practices.

Transfers to other countries?

Neurative AI operates Internationally.

Some of the information you provide to us may be transferred outside the Middle East or South Asia region. This is a transfer to a “third country”.

Whilst your data is held in the USA, UK, Europe, Middle East or Asia, depending on the data centres, our colleagues and partners in third countries may access it to undertake services necessary for the fulfilment of our contracts and services.

Neurative AI also works with suppliers and partners who may make use of cloud and/or hosted technologies. We undertake data security due diligence on our partners and ensure that these partners conform to appropriate accreditations.

Wherever transfers of data to third countries occur Neurative AI will put in place an appropriate contractual provision to ensure that there are strict rules regarding both the confidentiality and security of your information. To find out more please contact us at [email protected]

What are Your Rights?

At Neurative AI, we respect and prioritize the protection of your personal data, and we want to ensure you are aware of your rights regarding its processing. As a data subject, you have the following rights:

  • Right to Object: You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data.
  • Right to Erasure or Correction: You can request the erasure or correction of your personal data held by Neurative AI.
  • Right to Access: You have the right to access the personal information we hold about you.

To exercise any of these data protection rights or for more information, please reach out to us at [email protected].

It’s important to note that while you retain these rights, you waive the right to lodge complaints with the Information Commissioner’s Office or any other governmental, judiciary, or court body regulating the processing of personal data.

For European residents, in addition to the rights mentioned above, you also have the right to:

  • Request Corrections, Updates, or Deletion: If you are a European resident, you can ask for corrections, updates, or deletion of your personal information.
  • Data Processing and Transfers: We process your information to fulfill contracts or pursue legitimate business interests. Additionally, please be aware that your information may be transferred outside of Europe, including to Canada and the United States.

To exercise your rights as a European resident or for any inquiries, please contact us through the provided contact information. We are committed to addressing your requests promptly and transparently, ensuring your rights are upheld in accordance with data protection regulations

Keeping in touch with Behavioral Advertising.

At Neurative AI, we value our relationship with you and want to ensure that you are informed about our latest products and enhancements. When you first reach out to us on the website, we will inquire if you wish to receive marketing information. Rest assured, Neurative AI does not share your information with companies outside of those specified in our “Who We Share Your Information With and Why” section.

If, at any point, you decide you no longer want to receive marketing information, you can request to opt out by writing to our Data Protection Officer at the provided address or emailing [email protected]. Please be aware that you may continue to receive mailings for a short period while we process your request.

In line with our commitment to providing a personalized experience, we utilize your Personal Information for targeted advertisements or marketing communications that we believe align with your interests. To learn more about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s educational page at http://www.networkadvertising.org/understanding-online-advertising/how-does-it-work.

If you prefer not to receive targeted advertising, you have the option to opt out through the following platforms:

Furthermore, you can opt out of some of these services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at http://optout.aboutads.info/.

Please note that while we respect your preferences, our website does not alter its data collection and use practices when it detects a Do Not Track signal from your browser. We are committed to maintaining transparency in our communication and advertising practices, and your choices regarding marketing information are important to us at Neurative AI.

How long we keep your information?

If we collect your personal information, the length of time we retain it is determined by a number of factors including the purpose for which we use that information and our obligations under other laws.

We may need your personal information to establish, bring or defend legal claims. For this purpose, we will always retain your personal information for 25 years after the date it is no longer needed by us for any of the purposes listed under How we use your information above. The only exceptions to this are where:

  • The law requires us to hold your personal information for a longer period, or delete it sooner;
  • You exercise your right to have the information erased (where it applies) and we do not need to hold it in connection with any of the reasons permitted or required under the law;
  • We bring or defend a legal claim or other proceedings during the period we retain your personal information, in which case we will retain your personal information until those proceedings have concluded and no further appeals are possible; or
  • In limited cases, existing or future law or a court or regulator requires us to keep your personal information for a longer or shorter period.


Security is a priority for us when it comes to your personal data. We’re committed to protecting your personal data and have appropriate technical and organisational measures in place to make sure that happens.

Contact Us

If you have any general questions about your rights or want to exercise your rights please contact the support team at [email protected].